• 25 июля 2019, четверг
  • Москва, ул. Сущёвская ул., 21, стр. 8, бар Молодежь

Discussion with a Native speaker: nano tech and artificial intelligence in our life

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1756 дней назад
25 июля 2019 c 19:00 до 21:30
ул. Сущёвская ул., 21, стр. 8, бар Молодежь

Calling all advanced English speakers who want to communicate with people of a similar or higher level! Take your language skills to the next stage or see if you have what it takes to keep up with our discussions and debates

This time we’re talking about: nano tech and artificial intelligence in our life

The main point of of this discussion is the impact of upcoming technology on our lives, so we will talk about companies like Boston dynamics, and people like Ray Kurzweil and Elon Musk. We will look at who predicts what kind of future and discuss if each vision is good or bad.

Technology is progressing faster than ever, but where is it taking us? Will we lose control of the process and become the victims of artificial intelligence?
Join our conversation and help tackle these questions and others in our latest English discussion!

�About moderator:
George, USA
For the past 12 years I’ve lived in San Francisco and before that in San Diego. I started off working in the tech industry but after some time got out of tech and began working in the film industry. My normal full time job title in the states was Film/Commercial Associate Producer. I moved to Moscow a year ago and have been successfully teaching English at a corporate level with a focus on conversational English geared towards marketing/sales/tech

We recommend a C1 level of English for this event

Join our international community at www.LCampus.ru/Join

�Thursday at 7pm for 1,5-2h (depends on amount of people)
�Address: metro Mendeleevskaya, exit 4, Sushchevskaya st., 21/8, bar Molodezh. Ask LCampus speaking club at the entry https://goo.gl/maps/PcULDboTfuGFbBC...

� Entry fee 600rub
❗Registration is necessary via this link https://goo.gl/forms/F1tXGwvz7mrfsq... there are limit of people at the table❗

Call us if you are lost +79036886193
P.S. please, respect the cafeteria that hosts us by making any order. We have 50% discount for all menu before 8pm


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