• 21 июля 2019, воскресенье
  • Москва, Сущевская ул, 21/8

Cash flow game by Robert Kiyosaki with a Native speaker

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1759 дней назад
21 июля 2019 c 13:30 до 16:30
Сущевская ул, 21/8

How good are you at making decisions? At finance? At time management? Have you ever heard about the game «Cashflow» designed by Robert Kayosaki?

The Cashflow game is a fast model of your financial life. During the course of the game everything becomes clear: how you make decisions, react to opportunities, pay more attention to small details or take bigger opportunities and much more.

This is a good chance to learn about yourself and other players at the table (your wife\husband, business partner, colleagues…)

The native speaker from the USA will help you with all financial terminology and the professional moderator will explain the behavior of each participant at the end of the game! You will learn how to manage your finances and apply these skills to real life situations.
Do not miss your chance to try it!

�About moderator:
- Finance Expert
- "Aeroexpress" Board of Directors Member
- Carries out the transactions of 2 businessmen from the Forbes top 20
- Three time IRONMAN, Candidate for Triathlon Master of Sports
- International Investment Lawyer
Hobbies: moderated more than 100 CashFlow games

�When? 21/07/2019 at 1:30 pm till 4:45pm
�Where? metro Mendeleevskaya, exit 4, Sushchevskaya st., 21/8, bar Molodezh https://yandex.ru/maps/-/CCc8m-3-
�How much? 1200rub prepay before 23:59 20/07/2019 (1500rub at the entry if there are free places)

How to participate:
1) Click "Going"
2) Register via link http://tinyurl.com/y25lbbr4 there are just 5 places

Feel free to join our international chat www.LCampus.ru/chat

P.S. There is 50% discount for all menu
call/whatsup +7(903)688-61-93
See you! �


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