• 20 декабря 2018, четверг
  • Москва, Сретенка, 7

Moscow International Business Networking Meetup

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1972 дня назад
20 декабря 2018 c 19:00 до 22:00
Сретенка, 7

�You should attend if: - You need local partners in the Russian market; - You are looking for business opportunities abroad; - You want to learn how to negotiate and present yourself to an international business; - You are looking for a job with an international organization

You should attend if:

- You need local partners in the Russian market;
- You are looking for business opportunities abroad;
- You want to learn how to negotiate and present yourself to an international business;
- You are looking for a job with an international organization

Topics for discussion:
Basic Skills 
- Successful negotiations 
- Presentation 
- Body language

Business Skills 
- How to establish an international business 
- How to set up a local business 
- Business development 
- Marketing 
- Trading 
- Branding
- Self-development 

The speaker will be Mr. Shahram Moeenfar (Sam):
- A founder of the first internet service provider in Iran;
- Governor Adviser in Investment;
- Chamber of Commerce Export Committee (FARS province of Iran); 
- Establisher of trading companies in more than 10 countries;
- Senior Consultant for companies in the Petrochemical (Oil and Gas), Construction, Energy Field, and Food Industries; 
- Chairman and a speaker of International Congresses [i.e. Foreign China Overseas Investment (COIFAIR) 2012, Foreign Investment 2014-2016 (IRAN), World Food 2017 (Russia), 3rd World GAS and LNG 2018 (Russia), 2nd Global Dairy Congress (Moscow) 2018]

19:00 — 19:30 Introductions
19:30 — 20:15 Main Presentation 
20:15 — 21:15 Networking and Discussion
21:15 — 22:00 Questions and Answers

1000 ₽ at the door
10% — If you prepay before 10 am on 17/12/18
10% — If you come with a friend

Tea and coffee; Soft drinks; Fruits; Biscuits; and the 
time in the Anticafe.

Registration is necessary via this link:

Anticafe "Nulevoy Kilometer", Sretenka Str, 7, metro Turgenevskaya, exit 8 https://goo.gl/maps/rdNEFxcuZZ22

Thursday, December 20, 2018 at  19:00
Phone/whatsup: +79036886193

Register and become a part of Moscow International Business Networking (MIBN)


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